Saturday, December 29, 2012



Hi ! So hiccups ? Haha,well pada jam 1:4X AM , 28/12/2012 seorang gadis bernama Nazmin Nazifa tersedu-sedu secara tiba-tiba. Pagi-pagi buta. Nak minum air pula,malam-malam nak minum air banyak tak elok sangat tapi terpaksa la. Dah minum dah,tapi tak berkesan. Macam lambat berfungsi maybe ? Lepas tu mula la bingung,apa nak buat ? Abracadabra ! Tiba-tiba ingat sesi waktu belajar biologi with cikgu tercinta In XD *Ehem ... ><'' I heard that cikgu kahwin bulan 12 ni,maybe I should text her later ... haha :D Cikgu,jangan pindah sekolah tau,I need you,next year ! ><''  Eh tanya nama cikgu ? Cikgu Rozita ! Hehe. Okay okay,sambung ... Then,I remembered about hiccups can be cured by breathing into a paper bag ! Yepp!
In pun mengerling mata ke kiri,ada plastik bag kecil...Layann je lah ><' Sedu kuat dah ni... In ambil plastik bag tu and bernafas. Yup,bernafas in and out dalam beg plastik tu. You know what ?? Abracadabra ! Berkesan sekelip mata ! Hahaha... sekejap je,seriously. ^_^ Alhamdulillah ...
Tahu apa punca sedu itu ? Sedu berlaku apabila dalam badan kita kekurangan oxygen.Yes.Hiccups are spasms of the diaphragm thought to be caused by not enough oxygen in the body. Well anyway,I found another causes and common cures for the hiccups.
Hiccups are usually a reaction to your stomach and digestive system getting wonky. This happens when you eat too much, drink bubbly drinks like soda, or swallow too much air. Some people get the hiccups for no reason at all. Other things that cause hiccups include skull fracture, epilepsy, tuberculosis and constipation.

Other ways are holding your breath, breathing into a bag, pulling your tongue, sudden fright, or - get this - eating sugar. Just drinking water, if done soon enough, might wash down a chunk of food in the throat that's pressing against a nerve.

Alhamdulillah,In telah mengaplikasikan apa yang In telah belajar dalam kehidupan ini ^^, Ingat,kita belajar bukan sekadar mahu "A/A-/A+" tetapi juga menjadi seorang insan yang berguna yang dapat mengaplikasikan apa yang kita belajar dalam kehidupan seharian :D Remember ! ^^,

:: NN ::


  1. thanks... berguna juga... hihihi

  2. yeap., ada jgk blajar bio dulu pasal nii., hehehe mmg brguna untuk khidupan shrian jgk., ^^

  3. wahhh ,,, baru tau pasal benda ni ~~

  4. wah.. perkongsian yg bagus.. bari Fiq tau.. masa kecik2 dulu, klu tersedu-sedu jerk rasanya pesan org tua2 minum air banyak2..huhuhhu..fiq pun ingat2 lupa :)

    1. Yup,dalam air pun ada oxygen... :)
      Tapi,tatawu la nape org tua2 suruh minum air kan,kot fahaman lain XD hehehe

  5. btul..sedu tu jdi bile kita kurng oksgen dlm bdn..
    eh yaya xtau pon cra In wat tu boleh bkesan..hehe..;p

  6. ohh mcm tu ye nak hilangkan sedu...
    Kak klu tengah sedu, minum air sambil tutup hidung..hehe..berjaya juga tau..(tgk kt tv cara tu)..:)

  7. nice info in! nk trylah bile tersedu. hehe
