Wednesday, May 29, 2013

English #5


Macam In janjikan,In akan buat pelajaran English :D FYI,In dah ada 4 posts sebelum ni. English #1 (boleh tengok dekat post bawah,ter-edit and published,hehe) English #2 , English #3 and English #4
Sekarang,jom kita sambung untuk post English yang ke-5 ! :D 

Apabila ada sentence menggunakan ayat "a number of" , "the number of" , "a variety of" and "the variety of" kita selalu keliru sama ada ia bermaksud banyak (plural) atau satu (singular). Contohnya :

A number of students have/has volunteered to clean the school. 
Ayat di atas ni,korang nak guna have atau has ?

Sama juga dengan :

The number of students who volunteered was/were very small.
Ayat di atas ni nak guna was atau were ?

Let me tell you something ! :D

A number of students have volunteered to clean the school (PLURAL)
The number of students who volunteered was very small (SINGULAR)
A variety of orchids are being exhibited (PLURAL)
The variety of orchids found all over the world is great. (SINGULAR)

Example :

1. The variety of food sold is staggering.
2. A great variety of toys are sold at the toy fair.
3. A number of students have obtained excellent results.
4. The number of students who obtained good results is very great.

Take your time untuk faham okay?! Hehe... Tips daripada In , korang just ingat salah satu je . Sama ada nak ingat A number/variety of [PLURAL] atau The number/variety of [SINGULAR]. All the best! :D

Lepas ni,In kongsi untuk buat essay pula okay ?? :D See you soon !

:: NN ::

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