Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Perspective: Is This A Discrimination?


They are looking for a cook and the requirement is to pray 5 times a day (for a Muslim, obviously). So, is this a discrimination? What do you think?


At first instant,  I would say it is discriminative by nature. This is because everyone is free to choose on how they want to practice their religion. But I would love to add something on my opinion or perspective.


The thing is I would love to look at this in a positive way. First and foremost, it's up to the employers to put any and what kind of requirements they want. This does not come from me but you people out there. For me personally, no harm for putting such requirement "someone that prays 5 times a day". This is because for Muslims, it is compulsory to pray 5 times a day. I take this as an encouragement and an opportunity for someone to practice Islam better. 



Whoever has a desire to be a better Muslim and at the same time having a job that totally gives you the space to practice your religion correctly , this is the best job, probably. What a golden opportunity. I bet their target people are Muslims, so they put it that way. It is said that Muslims must do dakwah also in any way so long it doesn't against Islam and I find this way is a good way as well. 


Every Muslim has their own story or starting point in becoming a better Muslim. Some are getting by force before they sincerely doing it. Some are just plainly doing in season such as during Ramadhan. What I would like to say is that this can be a turning or starting point for someone to be a better Muslim by praying 5 times a day. He or she might not prayed 5 times before but after getting this job they obey. For me what matters is the end result. Doesn't matter how you start but how do you end it.


It is not like you have been forced to do something which is not compulsory such as fasting on Monday and Thursday (puasa sunat), or solat Dhuha everyday (solat sunat waktu pagi). If that kind of requirement, yes I might disagree as that totally up to oneself to do or not to do. But praying 5 times a day is not a man law but Allah's law. It is compulsory (wajib) and for a Muslim to against such requirement, I find it weird. For me, it eases a Muslim to practice Islam. 


Just look at other companies that way more discriminative and unfair by not allowing a Muslim to pray, or cover herself (scarf or tudung). Such requirements are way.... way..... unacceptable. People are going to say, "Oh that because the company is owned by a non-Muslim". Heh? That is the REAL discriminating by not allowing a Muslim to practice Islam freely and correctly. Even there are more like this even the companies owned by Muslims. What a disappoinment. There is also companies that put the requirement "Chinese only". Okay. As people out there said, that is the employer's right to put such requirement. But happened to be they did not state but during the interview, "Ouh we only want Chinese". This happened widely, so many times. Compared to a company wants Muslim only. I think this is the first I see putting such requirement "someone that prays 5 times a day" (portraying wanting a Muslim). The requirement suits for a Muslim.


I see no harm or problem with it. Compared to other companies and many Muslims are having a hard time to get a job and even they got the job but very hard to practice Islam correctly. This is totally sad and more worrying. This Mukha Cafe issue? Nothing more than just a very good news for Muslims.

Again, I humbly giving this as my personal opinion and perspective. I respect their stance and courage. I respect their strong belief and hard work. I see this as an encouragement, opportunity and a place for Muslims to be practice Islam better.

:: NN ::


  1. Hargai kebebasan dlm mengamalkan agama masing2 dan tiada paksaan..kan, itu lebih baik..:)
    Pekabar sis..?? moga baik2 shj..

    1. Singgah melawat sis.. moga sis sihat & baik2 shj.. :)

    2. alhamdulillah terima kasih. Semoga kak Atie sihat dan baik-baik belaka bersama keluarga tercinta ^_^
