Monday, January 1, 2018

Marriage [?]


Happy New Year, Selamat Tahun Baru, Salam 2018 semua! Dah masuk 22 tahun, unofficially, alhamdulillah. I wish 2018 brings a lot of joys in our lives. I wish for MORE love, LESS gossip and heart breaks ^_^, Tengah dalam musim final exam sekarang ni, pray for me aite? hee~


So, what's up with the topic? So I actually have this one friend yang suka bertanya, which is good. But mostly, soalan dia buat In berfikir lebih sikit hahah. I like it though. Not too long ago, my friend suddenly asked me, in the car. 

"Kenapa hang nak kahwin?

At first blur juga lah dengan soalan tu hahaha! I was like , "Uh? Maksud hang?" Hahaha, so dia explained, then only I understood~ So the question is actually in general. It does not matter whether now you are single, no special friend, or you are now having a boyfriend/girlfriend, just broke up, engaged and what so ever. Because this question for those yang dalam hidup ni dia nak kahwin. So, orang yang tak nak kahwin, this question is not for you obviously. Hahahaha. 

Apabila dah masuk umur 20-an, topik kahwin is very common. Orang akan selalu bertanya and sometimes sedang syok bersembang tiba-tiba eh cakap pasal kahwin. Gitchu~ I am not sure whether korang dah ada jawapan sendiri dalam diri? If no, then you may ask yourself, "Kenapa aku nak kahwin?" ;) For me, I did not have the pressure to answer my friend's question because memang dah pernah fikir and memang dah ada jawapan sejak, entah lama dah lah fikir, hahahah! I mean, if you want something, you need to know why first, with at least a reason, kan? Takkan lah saja-saja nak. So, yea kalau ada rezeki dan umur yang panjang of course I want to get married. Know why? Save it for later. Hahaha.

This marriage topic pun ada discussed in my class. My lecturer said to us, nowadays, people get married due to tekanan masyarakat and at the end, the marriage didn't last longer. That is too sad. I know, apabila kita habis belajar, ada pekerjaan, umur pula dah 25 tahun lagi kerap orang akan bertanya, "Bila nak kahwin?", or bila kawan-kawan kita dah kahwin, mata orang automatik akan fokus ke yang belum kahwin ni hahahah. But know what, you don't have to worry. Don't rush thing like this. Kalau ada orang bertanya cakap saja , "doakan saya" ewah. 

Because for me, benda ni akan datang pada waktunya. Of course, you pray. But dalam hidup ni ada aturannya. In syaa Allah, benda ni akan datang ke kita once we are ready. Selagi tak datang, you just pray, ask Allah and just focus on yourself first. Achieve other things dulu, because in life, ada banyak lagi kita boleh buat dulu like travelling, (pastu jumpa la jodoh time tu)? hee~kkkk.... I know some people yang getting nervous because umur makin meningkat, jangan katakan kahwin, bayang jodoh pun tak nampak lagi. And I also understand yang nak kahwin awal especially before 30 lah sebab selepas umur tu, it's kind of leceh dalam a few matters and ada other consequences especially for women to bear. And I as a woman also, personally kalau boleh before 28, like 28 tu kira dah masuk tahun ke-berapa tah-lah ehem hahahaha! Because takutttt takuttt la dah lepas 28 tu rasa macam ah malas ah nak kahwin hahahaha. I'm so unexpected -.-''' But hey, kita boleh rancang and set goals je but most of them kerja Allah. 

So back to the question, kenapa nak kahwin dalam hidup ni? Sebab In tak suka berada dalam satu fasa or posisi yang sama. I mean, okay kalau rumah, In tak suka duduk satu rumah, or tempat tu lama sangat. Waktu kecik-kecik, In nak membesar cepat because I wanted to know how the life is, (cis serabut betul bila dah besar ni hahaha), and same goes to title. From single, to married woman. In nak tahu macam mana marriage life ni. In nak merasa sendiri. Tak nak lah selamanya single. In nak ada progress dalam kehidupan. Ke satu fasa dan ke satu fasa. Because I believe, from there juga In akan belajar banyak benda, dan akan menghargai lebih ramai orang dan kehidupan. Gitchu. 

I don't really know how to put this into perfect words but that is the main reason lah. Marriage is something new (phase), and I would love to experience it with of course, dengan siapa lagi aku nak kahwin kalau bukan dengan orang terchentaaaa... ehem. And I believe, dalam alam perkahwinan juga buat kita realise what we are more capable of and at the same time kita akan lebih matang dan dewasa. Handle kids ain't easy. Anak orang, anak sendiri tak sama. Tengok orang beranak, kita beranak sendiri, tak sama. Lol! The love and struggles in marriage. So many things, it's like never ending process dalam alam perkahwinan selagi hidup. Hahaha. 

And not to forget juga somehow marriage is a little bit scary for me, tapi kekawan memang takut sungguh lol. Yang takut sungguh dulu tu nanti jalan dulu :P , But know what, jangan fikir dulu. Fikir bila tiba masanya hahahaha! What I mean, kalau nak kahwin, kahwin je lah. Segala apa masalah mendatang tu hadap and handle bila ia datang lah. Simple meh. Same goes to, jangan fikir pasal jodoh sangat. Dia datang bila dia perlu datang. Hahahah. 

So, I like changes, I like to explore, I like to go further and deeper. Generally, by that reasons, I want to get married selagi hidup. Hahaha. If specifically, there are more reasons than just a phase in life. But that, mostly clicheeeee ><''' So what about you guys? Do you wanna get married and if yes, generally, why? ^_^ 

ps: some people cakap tak boleh fikir lagi sebab kenapa nak kahwin because they said they haven't found their jodoh lagi. However they said, "maybe nak elak maksiat". Well, anything will do. I don't judge hahah. But personally, if you wanna get married, you should already have a reason walaupun still single and jodoh masih sorok hahah.

Thank you

:: NN ::


  1. hehehehe
    tu lah
    kadang2 soalan sensitif bagi sesetengah org

    1. Hehehhh... anggap lah orang bertanya tu sebab caring kihkih

  2. Asslmkm.. Dah lama akk x singgah sini.
    In shaa Allah.. Sampai masanya nanti perkahwinan tu akan dirasai oleh semua..
    Fitrah manusia kan. Nak kan hidup berpasangan. 🤗
